William Haltom, Okmulgee
Vaughn Miller, Checotah
Check in: Thursday, February 20 11am to 2:30pm
Cattle are not allowed on the grounds until 10:00am
Show: 8:30 am Friday, February 21
All cattle will be groomed in the cattle barn or in areas designated by the show officials.
Electricity may be limited in Beef Barn. Generators are encouraged.
All animals have to be on the grounds by check in and must remain on the grounds until shown.
Recommendation: Neck ties are strongly encouraged for cattle. Any animal stalled outside the green panels or designated areas; MRJLS will not be responsible for.
Only exhibitors will be allowed in the show rings and holding areas. Parents or other exhibitors will not be allowed to assist the exhibitors in the show rings or holding pens during judging time and shall remain completely outside show or holding pens.
Clean up: NO STRAW OR HAY IS ALLOWED FOR BEDDING. STALL, PEN AND EXHIBITION PLACES MUST BE CLEAN AT ALL TIMES and refuse disposed of as directed by the superintendent. Straw may be used in tie outs, but must be cleaned up and removed at the conclusion of the show by exhibitors. Before leaving show, please pull wood chips back two feet from the tie rail so that it can be handled with a tractor.
All heifers must be nominated by December 16, 2024.
To constitute a breed; five heifers must check-in and show. Any breed having less than five heifers show will be placed in “All Other Breeds”. All other breeds will show as any other breed.
Registered heifers must have hair samples (DNA); if the tattoo is not present a MRJLS nomination tag must be attached; if registration papers are not available at the time of nomination a MRJLS nomination tag must be attached. Birthdate and breed must be recorded on nomination form. Heifers must be shown as nominated. If an exhibitor nominates a registered heifer without registration papers and would like the option to show the heifer as commercial, in case registration papers are not received, heifer must be tagged.
Registration papers are required for registered beef heifers. Only original registration papers from breed associations will be accepted. Registration papers must be in exhibitor’s name by December 16, 2024. Family nominations on heifers will be accepted providing the eligible exhibitors (under the household nomination rule, rule #45 in General Rules and Regulations) are listed on the DNA envelope for that heifer. Registration papers must be in an eligible MRJLS exhibitors name matching the DNA envelope. Registered heifer papers must be in an eligible MRJLS exhibitor’s name matching the DNA envelope. Registered heifers papers must be turned in by January 15, 2025. No ranch names will be allowed on papers. Tattoos and brands must match the papers and be correctly labeled
If there are less than 5 heifers in the AOB at time of check in, they will be given the opportunity to meet requirements for the Commercial Heifer Show by 8:00 am the day of the cattle show.
An official health certificate must accompany all show animals. The official health certificate must be issued within thirty (30) days and shall be available at all times to the representatives of the Animal Industry Division. All animals must be free of any infectious, communicable or contagious disease and if such a disease is found, it will be cause for removal of the animal(s) from exhibition.
Commercial heifer classes will be divided by weight. These classes may also be divided into divisions at the discretion of the superintendent.
Lost tags on all animals must be replaced by check in time for their division. All steers and commercial heifers must have an attached tag to enter the show ring.
Registered Heifer Show will be in alphabetical order. Classes will show youngest to oldest.
Show Order
Commercial Heifers
Registered Heifers
AOB Heifers
Registered Heifer Classes
a) Summer Heifer Calves – Calved after May 1, 2024
b) Spring Heifer Calves – Calved between March 1 and April 30, 2024
c) Junior Heifer Calves – Calved between January 1 and February 28, 2024
d) Winter Heifer Calves –Calved between November 1 and December 31, 2023
e) Senior Heifer Calves – Calved between September 1 and October 31, 2023
f) Summer Yearling Heifers – Calved between May 1 and August 31, 2023
g) Junior Yearling Heifers – Calved between March 1 and April 30, 2023
h) Senior Yearling Heifers – Calved between January 1 and February 28, 2023
Commercial heifer class will be shown according to weight.
All decisions at time of weigh in will be FINAL. There will be no changes made.
Heifer Sale Selection: 40 Heifers make the sale. All placings in each class will be eligible for the sale and will come back to show for preliminary sale order after each breed, final sale order will be selected after Grand Champion Heifer, Reserve Grand Champion Heifer and Bronze Medallion Heifer have been selected.